Workshop for English Teachers

Artinov School`s having 2 days workshop for our English teachers. And we invite you to join us!
Professional advice from American certified mentors to help you get the most out of your teaching. This won`t be a lecture, but communicative practice for the majority of the time. There will be methods, techniques, discussions, games and much more that you can use in your class.

  1. Vocabulary (how to teach new words)
  2. Sentences (how to structure sentences, features of spoken English)
  3. Pronunciation (how to teach sounds)
  4. Planning a lesson (how to keep students interested)
  5. Communication (how to teach students to use their English)
  6. Resources (where to find the best materials for the lessons) Improve your teaching skills with native speakers!

Miriam Fuller - ESL/EFL Teacher Certificate. "English Language Workshop Leader" Certificate. Educated in USA, China, Greece, Indonesia.
 - Hannah Southall - ESL/EFL Teacher Certificate. Experienced in teaching kids.
Day 1: 24 June, 15:00 to 18:30
Day 2: 25 June, 15:00 to 18:30
FEES: 150 UAH per 2 days - including drinks and snacks
Link to registration


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