Gambling: From Ancient Egypt to The 21st Century
22 лютого 2018

Excitement is an inherent attribute of a person and civilization is a whole. Mankind has been playing games where the profit depends on the chance for thousands of years. Some games replace others, but their essence doesn't change.

Gambling: From Ancient Egypt to The 21st Century

Games at the Dawn of Civilization

Researchers found that the first game, in which the win was determined by accident, was a dice game. It is played nowadays as well. It appeared about forty centuries ago. The cubes with marked faces were played by ancient Egyptians, Romans, Indians and Chinese. The dice game is mentioned in the Old Testament. Cubes triumphantly marched across the planet, conquering Europe, Ancient Rus, the East. Today, many casinos offer to play games with dices. These games are craps or sit-bo, extremely common in Asia.

Cards also have a long history. They are used in a variety of games, there are hundreds and hundreds variations of it. 27 centuries ago, cards were played in ancient China. Then, card games became popular in India and Persia, and then in European countries.

Roulette has a shorter history, just over three hundred years. Its invention is attributed to the brilliant mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal, who also studied theory of probability.

How did Casinos appear

In ancient Greece and Rome, as well as in China, there have long been special institutions where one could gamble. But in the 17th century specialized casinos arose. And the very first casino was opened in Venice, in the church of Moses. After that, they spread everywhere in Europe. In the 18th century, gambling establishments moved to America.

Gradually, there was formed a classic set of games, it consisted of:
• Several types of roulette.
• Card games (poker, blackjack, baccarat).
• Dice games.

Innovative technologies reached ancient games. Gaming machines were created. The birthplace of the first mechanical machines is Great Britain (1887). In less than twenty years in America, there was born the legendary Liberty Bell. By the end of the 20th century, mechanical slots were replaced by electronic slots everywhere.

The advent of virtual playgrounds

The logical decigion was the adaptation of programs for electronic machines for computers. Initially, the offline games were, as they say, in demand. However, in the mid-nineties, Microgaming created the first gambling platform, which allowed to play via the Internet. Thus, in 1994, the first online casino was born.

All the classic gambling games (roulette, hundreds of card games) were available to play on the Internet. Also, there was an opportunity of virtual game on automatic machines. In best online casino there appeared real casino games for real money where one can play with a live person in roulette and bingo, in cards and "Wheel of Fortune", that is, a wonderful illusion of presence in a real casino was created.

In the second decade of the 20th century, slots became as we know them today: 3D graphics, special sound effects, sophisticated scripts. In 2014, there were social gaming machines, which one can play for free.

Mobile casino-online

Ten years after the first online playground appeared - gambling migrated to mobile phones. They went from offline, low resolution and meager functions, to games with real bets with the same design as on a computer. Initially, the games were posted on special websites: hence there were mobile casinos.

As the phones progressed, mobile casinos practically ceased to differ from virtual platforms on desktop applications: the menu is the same in both versions, the functions are identical. The mobile casino contains the same real casino games for real money online. The difference in mobile gadgets is one: finger-oriented.

Over the past year, seven and a half billion mobile gadgets have been registered, 83% of them are connected to the network. One fifth of users actively gamble. According to forecasts, after four years, there will be more than 9 billion mobile devices, and every third user will be a mobile player, fulfilling the ancient human need for excitement.

Based on the materials of the site                                (Матеріал розміщено на правах реклами)

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